Trusting and Waiting...

by - 13:59

It seems simple enough. But there is something inside all of us humans that wants to strive to achieve things, to be an accomplished person. To have many skills and awards and to have done things that make people take notice of you. We want to stand out of the crowd. What God has been reinforcing in me as of late, is that none of those things qualify us for His plan for our lives.

His plan has nothing to do with how qualified or how learned we are. He qualifies us in spite of our short-comings, in spite of our lack of skills. This was quite a hard thing for my human mind to grasp as I set out planning my future.
I might not be the best designer, I might not be the most educated person, but because of His grace, he has placed a great and mighty calling on my life, as well as on yours. This applies in your job situation, your family situation, your friendships, your health, your marriages and every other area of your life that you can think of. God doesn't limit His grace only to certain areas. He wants us to be wholly and completely blessed.

I am still figuring all this out as I go along, but a great friend lent me this book by Joseph Prince. WOW. The more I learn and read about God's unmerited favour and grace, the more I am humbled and I am learning to have peace and to REST in His perfect timing.

So for those of you who are with me in the "Trusting and Waiting" business, may you learn, as I am learning, to rest in the beautiful arms of Jesus.

Photo by Kim Du Toit Photography

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  1. Very poignant post - true to where I currently find myself. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I'm with you Amy! Try get hold of "Unmerited Favor" by Joseph Prince. An incredible book and has helped me so much in this season. You will be blessed by it. x

  3. Beautifully written Candice. I know EXACTLY what you mean. Not always easy...
