A Ship In Port Is Safe...

by - 05:21

Ah Monday.

This morning I sat down at my computer and went through my emails, looked at blogs and did nothing particularly productive.
Then I just felt overwhelmed. Last week presented itself with a big whack of news and BIG challenges. I don't think I had fully dealt with all of that properly. And today it hit me.

Later I read this in the daily devotion that I sign up for.

Faith is the ability to trust what we cannot see. John Shedd says, “A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” Faith is willing to take risks, embrace the unseen and step away from the safety of the shore.
Woah. Prophetic? Last year my friend and I collaborated on a some designs called "The Magic Girls Poster Series" where we designed a poster with a quote applicable to each "Magic Girl."

The quote chosen for me was "A ship in port is safe, but that's not what ships are built for."
This quote has yet again reaffirmed it's significance in my life.
Taking a step (or leap) of faith my be overwhelming at times but, as said by one of my incredibly wise friends, "Our faith is ignited when we act upon it."

So here is to taking deep breaths, leaps of faith and getting your ship out of the harbour.

Photo by Tiffany B | Photographer

If this quote resounds with you too, the poster is available for purchase here.

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