A Thunderstorm

by - 02:25


At 1:30am in the morning I was wide-awake.
The rain was pelting down and the growls of the thunderstorm were menacing. I haven’t experienced many storms like that before. Especially ones that wake me up at night! 
(I am a VERY deep sleeper!)

I must admit that I was a bit scared. OK, so maybe more than a bit. The thoughts swirling around my head at that stage would probably make you laugh now!

“Is this IT God? Have you had enough of us sinners to end the world now?”
“Is the roof about to cave in? Will the force of the rain shatter the window panes and flood us as we sleep?”(Yep, maybe a bit melodramatic!)

But at the same time, it made me aware of the POWER of our Creator.
Its easy to think of God as loving and caring and all those other good things, but we often forget to FEAR Him and be in AWE of Him.
We forget how mighty and powerful and extreme our God is!

Experiencing the force of the rain, the screeching of the wind, the shock of the lightening and the deep roar of the thunder, reminded me of who made all of that. Crazy!

In the middle of the night I had a “Moment of Sudden Glory.”
I experienced the power and the force of the Almighty God.
And in that moment I felt peace.

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